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Creativity Award of "2017 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare "

Since 2012, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service has establised the special project "Toy Library". Toy Library is the first on preventing mind cognitive imparment or at the initial stage of dementia by non-medical treatment. The project has been rewarded the Creativity Award of "2017 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare" by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service. 

For the details and video of Toy Library, view more to click to link as below.

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service "The very different playing" (Chinese Only) https://youtu.be/5pY06QDCyKs

Booklet of 2017 Best Practice Awards in Social welfare by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (Chinese Only) http://webcontent.hkcss.org.hk/sd/sd/bp17/Publication/Booklet/BP2017_Booklet_Final.pdf

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